Tuesday 17 December 2013

Samsung's Galaxy GamePad brings precision Android controls to Europe first

Well, that took awhile. Remember the first-party gamepad Samsung trotted out at the Galaxy S4 unveiling? It's finally ready for release -- in Europe. The months of extra development don't seem wasted, at least: The revised pad sports a new facade that thankfully discards the odd Xbox 360/Wii hybrid look that the prototype flaunted, and there's a rechargeable battery pack too. What's more, the outfit says that the controller can handle devices from 4-inches to 6.3-inches running Jellybean and up. The controller's "play" button will also launch the company's new Mobile Console app on certain Samsung devices; a sort of virtual game shelf, if you will. At launch, that button promises to foster a list of some 35 compatible titles, with Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame leading the pack. We've reached out to Samsung for pricing and North American availability and will update this post if we hear back.

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